
Showing posts from April, 2019

Yoga Ashram In India

Sanskrit Meaning Ashram or Ashrama comes from Shrama and means “making a meaningful effort in the path of Self-realization”. Often it is the place or group of people who are together making an inner research towards liberation are considered as “Ashram”. How typically an Ashram looks like? Ashram generally is set up away from the crowd, from the worldly affairs so that the research inwards will be easier. Generally headed by a Guru, a tradition of Gurus Ashram will have a community of people working together in the path of spirituality. Does a Yoga Ashram have a symbolic spiritual meaning? Yes! Yoga Ashram is a space where in the inner research takes place which is heart. Every aspirant in the path of spirituality has to create and reside in a Yoga Ashram which is inside. Your physical body should be considered as a Yoga Ashram and the Heart is the core, the center, the Guru of the Ashram. The Heart has to be kept pure, serene and holy so that it can lead the entire Ashr...